Published by Omar Elamam BA, 4th Degree International Head Instructor
If you’re like me you probably get bored very quickly doing the same old workout routine over and over again. Exercise should not feel like a burden or waist of time. You should feel excited to tackle every single workout. The problem, therefore, does not lie with you but rather what you may or may not being doing in the gym.
If you have reached this state then it’s time to change things up; QUICKLY! Ideally you should be rotating between your workouts every 7-9 weeks. Not only will this shock your muscles but it will also have you coming back for more.
Here is a list of 5 innovative exercises that can be done at any gym.
1. Side Plank and Row
- Method : Attach a resistance band to a nearby low object and grab hold of the handle. Resting on your forearm while lying sideways, push hips up and adopt a side plank while holding onto the handle of the band. While holding the side plank, row the resistance band back and forth. Repeat for 8-12reps each side, completing 3 sets each.
- Target: Obliques, hip flexors, and back.
- Level of Difficulty : Advanced
2. Anti-Rotation Crunch
- Method : Attach a resistance band to a low object and grab hold of the handle above the head with both arms extended. Lie with back on mat and knees bent. Perform a crunch without letting your torso rotate towards the band. Repeat 8-10 reps at a slow pace, for a total of 3 sets.
- Target: Lower abdominals and obliques.
- Level of Difficulty : Intermediate
3. Disc quick 1-2-3 over the top
- Method : Using a foam disc, cross-over the top of the disc touching the top while crossing to the other side. Use the ball of the feet to perform a quick step back and forth moving sideways. Repeat 10-15 reps on each side for a total of 3 sets.
- Target: Quads, calves and hamstrings.
- Level of Difficulty : Beginner-Intermediate
4. Kettlebell Windmill
- Method : Raise kettlebell over the head. Raise arm with kettlebell above the head and the other to the side with feet shoulder width apart. Bend over and reach towards the toes of the opposite foot. Keep knees bent and kettlebell balanced over the head. Repeat for 8-10 reps on each side and follow for 3 sets.
- Target: Spine, hip, shoulders, and wrist.
- Level of Difficulty : Intermediate
5. Medicine Ball Side Twist Throw (with partner)
- Method : Stand side by side next to a partner. Start with feet shoulder width apart while holding ball. Rotate upper body, by twisting the torso, toward partner and release ball while locking arms. Your partner then catches the ball, twists away and back again throwing it back. Repeat 8-10 reps each side for a total of 3 sets.
- Target: Spine, hip, shoulders, and obliques.
- Level of Difficulty : Intermediate-Advanced
Carefully try out each of these exercises with caution and pay attention to detail. Once you feel comfortable performing the exercise, try it out at a faster pace and/or increase the amount of reps per set.
Have fun!!!