(Children and Adults)
Signifies the Earth from which a plant sprouts and takes root as the Tae Kwon Do foundation is being laid.
Pattern or Poomse:
DO-SAN:(24 movements) is the pseudonym of the patriot Ahn Chang-Ho (1876-1938) who devoted his entire life to furthering the education of Korea and its independence movement.

Kicking Techniques:
- Push Kick (front and side) (back leg and front leg)
- 180° degree Round House Kick
- Jumping Front Snap Kick
- Double PI-CHUKI
- Lead Leg DownWard(Axe Kick) (crescent)
- Combination of all kicks
Combination of Punches and Blocks: (Adults Only)
- Middle Block and Reverse Punch (combination movement)
- Spear Finger Thrust (walking stance); Hands open at chest to set-up and thrust forward. Pivot feet for release technique.
- Back Fist
- Wedging Block; Keep hands at shoulder line. Punchs are continuous after kick with sine wave.
- Sitting Stance Knife Hand Strike; Slide left foot to right in transition and add sine-wave motion before finishing with knife hand strike on the right side.
Self Defence (Movement and Application)
Free Sparring
- Meaning of DO-SAN
- Number of movements in DO-SAN
- English and Korean Terminology
- Power Theory
- Movements Application